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  • 33 result(s)
  1. The Ministry for Digitalisation has just published the results of a study it commissioned from the Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER): "Digital Inclusion. An identification of the factors at the origin of the digital divide". The study, which is now available online, is one of the 40 initiatives included in the National Action Plan for digital inclusion.

  2. Since 2022, it has become easier and faster to file a tax return with the new assistant. 70% of the 300,000 natural person taxpayers could already potentially take advantage of this new tool for their tax return in 2021.

  3. Le ministère de la Digitalisation lance un appel à projets pour le financement de projets favorisant l'inclusion numérique au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg pour l'année 2023. L'appel s'inscrit dans la stratégie de mise en œuvre du Plan d'action national d'inclusion numérique.

  4. Following the adoption by the Chamber of Deputies of the new rules for the 2G+ system, people with a complete vaccination pattern of less than 180 days, those who have received a booster vaccination and those who have a recovery certificate are now exempt from the testing requirement under the CovidCheck 2G+ system.

  5. Marc Hansen, Minister delegate for Digitalisation participated virtually in the "Committed to Connecting – Government Strategies to Increase Access" flagship round-table as part of the "Closing the digital divide" day on January 9, which was organised in the context of the "Travel and Connectivity week" at the Expo Dubai 2020.

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